What is ECU Tuning? 

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General Overview

If you are looking to improve the efficiency of your vehicle, one of the most effective mods you can do is an ECU tune. Most vehicles come “under-tuned” from the factory. This can be for multiple reasons:

  • Safety requirements

  • Staying well below the mechanical limits of the engine / key components of your vehicle

  • Marketing placement of the vehicle

ECU tuning involves changing a number of parameters in your engine control systems including:

  • Spark timing

  • Air/fuel maps

  • Camshaft timing

  • Turbo Boost

These parameters are adjusted to allow the engine to run at it’s maximum safe efficiency.

There are multiple Tuning routes:

  • Canned Tunes” - These are pre-written tunes that were written for your model of car, with the modifications that you specify. This is the way to go for a lightly modified car.

  • “Custom Tunes” - These are tunes that one of our tuners will write for the specific modifications on your car using data logs, and/or dyno runs to collect the necessary data from your specific car. This tune will be unique for your car.